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Limited order is 2 ITEMS. The price for each CD is 7$ and for vinyl 7" 4$, except where stated. Postage and packing is 4$ everywhere for every 3 items. CD----CD----CD----CD----CD----CD----CD----CD----CD----CD----CD ALASTIS "Revenge" ALASTIS "The other side" ALTAR "Provoke" ANOREXIA NEVROSA "Exile" ANUBI "Kai pilnaties akis uzmerks nirris" digi APOLLYON "Diaboli gratia" ARCANUM "Kostogher" ASHES "Death has made its call" AVERON "Serenity" AZURE "Moonlight legend" BATHOMET "Le diable" BELIAL "3" BLACK WITCHERY / CONQUEROR "Hellstorm of evil vengeance" 12$ CARPATHIAN FOREST "Black shining leather" digi CIBORIUM "Colosal crags" COUNTESS "The gospel of the horned one" 10$ CRYOGENIC "Celephais" DARK HERESY "Abstract principles taken.." DEATH SQUAD "Spit you at the seams" DEMONIC "Lead us into darkness" DESASTER "A touch of medieval darkness" promo 4$ DETONATION "Lost euphoria" DIABOLI "Mesmerized by darkness" digi DODHEIMSGARD "Monumental possesion" 9$ ELYSIAN FIELDS "Adelain" ENOCHIAN CRESENT "Omrga telecvovim" digi EQUIMANTHORN "Lectionum antiquarum" EQUIMANTHORN "Nindinugga nimshimsshargal…" EQUINOX "Return to mystery" digi EXTERMINANCE "The seven deadly sins" FLAMES "Summon the dead + Last prophecy" FORBIDDEN SITE "Astralgeist" FOREFATHER "Legends untold" FOREST OF IMPALED "Mortis dei" FORGOTTEN WOODS "Siel av natten" 12$ FROZEN SHADOWS "Empire de glaces" GOLBALROG "Untergang" HELHEIM "Av norron aett" promo HIRILORN "Legends of evil and eternal death" IMMOLATION "Here in after" promo IMPURE "Acts of contrition" INANNA UNVEILED "Trifixion" digi INVERTED "There can be only one.." LOST IN MISERY "Carousel af memories" digi LUNAR AURORA "Of stargates and bloodstained.." promo MEDIEVAL DEMON "Demonolatria" MOON "Daemon's heart" MORBIUS "The shades below" MORTEM "Demon tales" promo MORTUARY DRAPE "All the witches dance" MORTUARY DRAPE "Into the drape" MYSTERY "Tales.." NAGELFAR "Srontgorrth" promo NEBRON "The message" NECROMANTIA / VARATHRON "Black arts lead to everlasting sins" NECROMASS "Mysteria mystica zofiriana" NERGAL "The wizard of nerath" NOCTI VAGUS "Venture in sombre passion" NOCTURNAL BREED "Triumph of the blasphemer" OBTAINED ENSLAVEMENT "Centuries of sorrow" OBTRUNCATION "The callous concept" promo OPERA IX "Sacro culto" digi OPHTHALAMIA "To elishia" PANACEA "Decadence" PANACEA "Is it a human?" PILEDRIVER "Metal inquisition + Stay ungly" PROFANUM "Eminence of satanic imperial art" ROTTING CHRIST "Passage to arcturo" ROTTING CHRIST "Satanas tedeum" ROTTING CHRIST "Triarchy of the lost lovers" 10$ SACRAMENTUM "Thy black destiny" SAMAEL "Exodus" SARCOFAGO "Inri" SATARIEL "Lady lust lilith" SCEPTER "i'm going to hell" SCEPTER "I'm going to hell" promo 4$ SCEPTER "Metal supremacy" SECRET DISCOVERY "Slave" SHADOWCASTER "Abandonment" digi SOUL GRIND "The darkest dawn" SOULBURN "Feeding on angels" THE BLACK "Black blood" THE BLOODCULT "Night's plutonian shore" THOU ART LORD "Apollyon" digi THOU ART LORD "Eosforos" UNCANNY "Splenium for nyktophobia" V/A 22 BANDS: R.C., Order from chaos, Necromass, Varathron.. V/A BLASPHEMY 1 "Acheron, Necrophagia, Usurper..9 bands" V/A DARK RAPSODIES 15 bands:Haggard, Bal sagoth, Mayhem, Katatonia.. V/A Death is better 15 bands: Inquisitor, Algol, Absorded… V/A UPON A DARK HORIZON 13 bands:Sorhin, Legion, Aeternus, Nagelfar.. VARATHRON "The lament of gods" VARATHRON "Walpurgisnacht" VILKATES "Angeldust and blasphemy" price 4$ except where stated AETERNUM / EVOKE split ANUBI "Sucemus skambes" AUTUMN BLAZE "Every silent moment I weep" BAK DE SYV FJELL "same" 6$ BETRAY MY SECRETS "same" BLACK WITCERY "Summoning of infernal legions" 8$ DEATH DIES "The art of domination" DEMOGORGON "The horned moon" DENATA "same" EMPEROR "Reverance" 8$ FROSTMOON "Ork" 5$ GLACIAL FEAR "Secrets at the stream forest" GODBLOOD / MACABRE OMEN split HELLSTORM "Murder" HIN ODNE "Fiery septmber fire" IMPALED NAZARENE "In the name of satan" 8$ INFERNAL "Majestic fire" ISVIND "same" 12$ LITURGIA "In perpetoom" LUNATIC GODS "Cuckoo" MIND CONFUSED "Out of chaos spawn" MUTIILATION "Hail satanas we are the balck legions" 12$ NAERVAER "same" NAPALM DEATH "Hung" 5$ NECROMANTIA "From the past we summon thee" 12$ ODES OF ECSTASY / NOCTURNAL HOWLING split SARCASTIC TERROR /IN QUEST split SCREAMS OVER NORTHLAND "same" SUBKLINIK "same" WARLOGHE "same" 8$ |