Black Tears formed as little promotion-label in 1996. the idea came with the release of a comp. tape, titled BLACK TEARS OF DEATH (vol 1). myself, Daniele, found a good name in Black Tears, and my friend Giovanni from Beyond..Prod chosen the title for the comp. tape. The first release was well acclaimed by mags, labels, and distros. more than 400 copies were spread in the underground... So it was natural to print in 1997 a second volume, and in 1998 a third release... We find 2 comp. in 1999, BLACK TEARS OF DEATH vol. IV in digipack tape, so the box is the cover, and at last it's time for BLACK TEARS OF DEATH (vol V) on CD!!! In fact I've released the fifth edition, in october 1999 in CD format. Watch out to find more about BLACK TEARS OF DEATH in the list. Many bands on BLACK TEARS OF DEATH appeared on CD, for example Atanatos on Last Episode, Beseech on Metal Blade, Drastic and Satarial on Beyond...Prod, Crimson Midwinter on Century Media, Dame en Noir on Elegy, Satanel on Maggot, Excess of Cruelty, Arghoslent on Wood Nymph, Sargoth on Black Diamond/Invasion, Mystical Fullmoon on Alkaid, Macbeth on Dragonheart, Midgard on Hemicrania, Black Sunrise on Nocturnal Music... After comp. tapes (and CD), Black Tears has released MCD from THRONED, SACRADIS, FROSTMOON ECLIPSE, and a re-print on CD from KOROZY album "Long Road to the land of Black". In the first days of March the label name is changed from Black Tears to Black Tears of death. Go around my pages, and get in touch. ONLY PEOPLE INTO BLACK METAL! AERE AETERNUS "LAMMOTH" (BLTE8703-demo) Solo project by Ordog, leader of a BLACK TEARS band... Pure Ambient Horror. THRONED "WATCHING THE LANDS OF PURITY" (BLTE9704-MCD) One man band. Frozen Black sound in Burzum style. BLACK TEARS OF DEATH vol III (BLTE9805-comp-tape): THRONED/MYSTICAL FULLMOON/MACBETH/ VIOLATION/FROSTMOONECLIPSE/MIDGARD/ NADIR/APOLOKIA/LUPERCALIA/DETESTOR/ DISMAL/DRASTIC SACRADIS "SACRADIS INFERNALIS" (BLTE9806-MCD) Aggressive Black Metal in the vein of swedish gods such as Marduk, Dark Funeral, with good guitar work, with heavy, thrashy riffing. BLACK TEARS OF DEATH vol. IV (BLTE9907-comp-tape): NOCTURNAL DESIRE/ELYSIUM/EXCESS OF CRUELTY/MIDNIGHT SUN/ARGHOSLENT/ AMORTIS/SATARIAL… FROSTMOON ECLIPSE "SUPREME TRIUMPH IN BLACK" (BLTE9908-MCDdigipack) Occult Evil Black Metal with great digi artwork. Acoustic parts, no female vox! BLACK TEARS OF DEATH vol. V (BLTE9909-comp-CD): SACRADIS/FROSTMOON ECLIPSE/KOROZY/ABHOR/FLAYEL SVART/LUPERCALIA/ VLAD/MIDGARD/ATER/GHOUL/VII ARCANO/IMMEMOREAL/REVENANT. KOROZY "LONG ROAD TO THE LAND OF BLACK" (BLTE9910 / 043 004-CD, with courtesy of 043, Sofia, Bulgaria). Symphonic Evil Black metal, in the vein of Dimmu Borgir, Arcturus. FROSTMOON ECLIPSE born in 1994 E.V. by Claudio (acou- stic and electric guitar) and Lo- renzo (drums/vocals). Lorenzo was a member of Thanatologi- st. Some line-up changes follo- wed and with a new bassist, Di- ego, the band recorded the first demo "Cold silvery eye", a tape of furious, blasphemous Black Metal, truly obscure and maca- bre... The tx "Ancient woods of eternal life" was insert on "E- matofagia vol. I" comp. Tape. After the tape Lorenzo left the band, and Diego became the new singer. Mattia on drums and Marco on bass joined the band. Marco came from Emo- rrhage Corpse. With this line- up FROSTMOON ECLIPSE recorded in 1997 E.V. the se- cond demo, " exalt my tri- umph", surely better than the first demo. The FROSTMOON ECLIPSE sound became mo- re technical, fast. Violent Bla- ck Metal, melodic, obscure.. "...To exalt my triumph" re- ceived" good reviews by mags and underground ‘zines. The song "My misanthropic vision by the unliving sea" was en- closed on the compilation ta- pe "Symphonic Art vol. I", e- dited by the brasilian label In- to The Misteries Org Prod. After the recordings of the de- mo, Mattia and Marco left the band. The italian label Black Tears distributed the tape and was interested in the band. In fact Black Tears distributed both demos, and included the songs "Dusk to exalt my trium- ph" and "Winternight evil cold" on Black Tears of death comp. Tape vol II and III. Now Black Tears offers to FRO- STMOON ECLIPSE the oppor- tunity to debut with the MCD ti- tled "Supreme triumph in black". Before the recordings there has been a new line-up change. The new line-up is: Gionata (Drums/ vocals) from In Extremo Spiritu, Hermann (bass) from Hastur, and obviously Claudio (guitars) and Diego (vocals). MCD "Supreme triumph in bla- ck" has been recorded in only three days at Big Wave studios in Livorno. Keys parts on this MCD have been performed by Luigi Mennella from Ater and En Velours Noir. FROSTMOON ECLIPSE are looking now for a label intere- sted to produce a 7" ep, and to offer an honest deal for a full- lenght album... . read more info on the label and their bands: Black tears |